Recent art highlights

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Joyce Pensato at Sarah Bowen

Joyce Pensato, Easter Bunny at Sarah Bowen - click on image for more photos

James Esber at Pierogi 2000

James Esber at Pierogi 2000

David Rathman at Clementine

David Rathman at Clementine - this is a detail shot of one of his amazing watercolor and ink on canvas paintings

Samuel Lopes at Klaus von Nichtssagend

Samuel Lopes at Klaus von Nichtssagend - I like the wood-burning effect he achieves using enamel on wood

1 Comment

The Samuel Lopes show looks great. I will check it out when I am in NY this weekend. Your art guide is great btw, helps plan a gallery crawl whenever I make it down.
Cheers from Montreal,

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This page contains a single entry by published on April 24, 2006 1:29 PM.

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