Hillary Rodham Clinton gets a primary challenge

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steve greenfield

Steve Greenfield

This makes me very happy. I don't know why so many liberals, including homos, think she's great. She says she likes the Defense of Marriage Act, she doesn't think public health insurance should cover abortion (Viagra seems to be OK), and she voted for both the PATRIOT Act and the Iraq War.

Steve Greenfield is challenging her in the Democratic primary. Here is an excerpt from his web site:

Are you troubled by the notion that a Democrat who favors the war in Iraq, favors continuing the occupation and increasing troop levels in Iraq, favors the USA PATRIOT act, favors expanding nuclear power and weapons development, favors the death penalty, favors corporate welfare, boasts of having cosponsored more Republican initiatives than any first-term Democrat Senator in history, and who represents a state where upwards of 80% of the registered Democrats are opposed to her positions was expected to run unopposed in her primary race next year? Is this democracy?

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Keep up the great work on your blog. Best wishes WaltDe

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