MP Bistro

We had our first meal in Mexico City -- dinner around 9:30, which is not late at all. There were still people coming in at 11. I can't find a web page for it, so here is the info:

MP Cafe Bistro
Andres Bello 10, in Polanco, between Jorge Elliot and Reforma
5280-2506, 5281-0592

The chef is Mónica Patiño, and the food mixes Asian, Mexican, and French food. It was great. James had the duck taco (to be made with corn tortillas brought to the table) as a start, and I had lobster and bay scallop dumplings. We both had tuna with fois gras and a star anise and wine sauce as our main course. The wine list is great too, with French, Spanish, Chilean, and a few Mexican wines. We'll have to make sure we try some Mexican wine on this trip.

We asked the waiter (in fractured Spanish) about the ice cubes that arrived with our Pellegrino, and about the arugula that arrived with our main courses. He assured us that they used filtered water. So far we seem fine.

The crowd and the place have a nice vibe, and it's quite attractive. Recommended.


Updated: I fixed the chef's name.

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