Chocolate Makers

Last night President Flight Suit said we're going to ask the rest of the world for money and bodies to help us clean up the mess we created in Iraq and Afghanistan. Last week, Richard Boucher, the State Department spokesman had this diplomatic thing to say about "Old Europe":

"Mr. Boucher," a reporter asked at the daily briefing, "do you have anything on the proposal for the creation of a European Union military headquarters in Brussels independent of NATO, something that has angered the United States, according to reports?"

"I'm not quite sure what proposal that is," Boucher said, according to a transcript. "You mean the one from the four countries [Belgium, Germany, France and Luxembourg] that got together and had a little . . . had a little bitty summit . . . ."

"That's exactly it," the reporter said, "and Belgium insisting to . . . "

"Yeah, the chocolate makers," Boucher quipped and reporters laughed. "Sorry. No, I . . . I think they've been referred to that way in the press; I shouldn't repeat things I see in the press."

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