Art to see

Moving Pictures and Bill Viola at the Guggenheim

Group show at Massimo Audiello -- in the 526 West 26th St. building

Joyce Pensato at Elga Wimmer -- same building

K48 show -- same building -- photo

Apex is doing a cool thing -- a different show every day. I recommend Charles Goldman on Dec. 12. We went to see Dean Daderko's curation, featuring our friend Nancy Hwang, on Saturday:


For more info on the Charles Goldman event on Dec. 12, click MORE.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

7 - 9 p.m.

Apexart C.P.
291 Church Street

An evening of sounds and sights presented by Charles Goldman

The Brides of Wittgenstein -- sonic experimentation
Harrell Fletcher -- video projection
Sxip Sheary -- sound composition

The Brides of Wittgenstein are a group of visual artists who wish to remain anonymous. This public performance is their first and stems directly from their weekly explorations into the sonic transformation of concrete space. They are not a band and do not call this rock and roll. Opening for them is Sxip Sheary. Sxip is a composer, story teller and sound artist who has worked in various mediums all over the country. He performs on a variety of traditional and re-imagined instruments. For over ten years Harrell Fletcher has worked collaboratively and individually on interdisciplinary, site-specific projects exploring the dynamics of social spaces and communities. He will present a video made in collaboration with Jess Hilliard. This evening has been organized by Charles Goldman. Charles is an artist living and working in Brooklyn. In January of 2001 he curated an exhibition for Apexart entitled Making the Making. He is both a friend to and an admirer of the participating artists and the venue.

The event is free of charge.

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