Dipping my toes back into the art pool

I should be doing work, but several shows were about to close, so we went to a few Chelsea galleries this afternoon. I'm writing this while I wait for Apache to compile on a few clients' machines -- security release!

I wasn't that excited by some of the shows, but there were a couple I would recommend going to see before they close:

Paula Cooper gets extra points for having the flyer for the Not In Our Name rally on Sunday in Central Park taped to the gallery door.

As I walked home, I noticed that 17th Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues certainly is gentrifying! There is a Karim Rashid store, plus an upscale hair salon, where people were waiting out front drinking sparkling water from wine glasses -- glass ones, not plastic.

I love Jesus because he keep oil cheap for my SUV -- spotted out in front of the Catholic Church on 10th Avenue:

Random broken window image:

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This page contains a single entry by published on October 3, 2002 5:16 PM.

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